Melodies of Blood 2 Read online

Page 7

  The weight that Caleb had carried for so many years had been loosened slightly, but he still felt choked by his memories and hatred like a poison. The count. Only the count’s death would be enough to rebalance the scales.

  “The castle,” Caleb murmured looking out the window.

  It was time to go to the place where it had all happened. It had been a few weeks since Phil’s death and Caleb had failed to find any of the wealthy men who, with the count, had tortured him so cruelly. Without a way to find information about their location Caleb chose the only other option.

  “I’ve seen it.”

  Caleb suddenly heard with surprise.

  When Caleb looked away from the window he saw Amadeus sitting on the bed. He watched Caleb with a straight and serious face. A man his size. It still surprised Caleb how he could move with such stealth. If Amadeus didn’t want anyone to hear him none would.

  “What are you talking about?” Caleb walked toward him.

  “Your darkness.”

  Caleb narrowed his eyes in confusion. He had no idea what Amadeus was talking about. When he got mysterious Amadeus had a tendency to talk in riddles.

  “Do you remember what I told you? That sometimes we can see the memories of some individuals?” Amadeus asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “Yes,” Caleb muttered a bit confused. “The melodies of blood.”

  “I saw that night,” Amadeus repeated. “I know what happened to you. Do not let that determine your future, child. Hatred is difficult to control. If you allow it to win the battle will be lost.”

  “Are you saying that I should do nothing?” Caleb’s question showed the irritation that Amadeus had just caused in Caleb.

  “Not at all. What those humans did to you should be punished.” Amadeus stood up and walked to Caleb. He placed his hands on Caleb’s shoulders and tried to comfort him a little. His red eyes looked at Caleb. “What I mean is that you’re one step away and that darkness will engulf you and you’ll lose everything. There will be no future because I’ll have to kill you,” Amadeus warned him and Caleb frowned. “If that happens you’ll become a danger to everyone. Be calm and patient. I’ll let you have your revenge but in exchange, you will travel and meet with a friend who will teach you everything you need. Do you accept?”


  “Alright, then I’ll help you. Let’s go. Tonight blood will flow.”

  Amadeus’ words surprised Caleb. He wanted Amadeus’ permission but didn’t expect him to stain his hands with blood for him. It made Caleb feel a strange warmth in his chest and although he was a little embarrassed Caleb quietly thanked him with an almost imperceptible smile.

  As they neared their destination a storm raged dangerously, just like that day. It brought back memories that Caleb had tried to hide at the very bottom of his mind. The sound of the lightning, the smell of the wet Earth, and the sight of the imposing mansion was fueling his rage.

  “There is no going back,” Caleb whispered as they neared the small cottages where the servants lived. “You don’t have to do this.”

  “I must and I will,” Amadeus response was firm with his decision. “You’re my family, my son.”

  Caleb tried to swallow the emotion caused by words that he had never heard before.

  “Let’s go,” the decisiveness in Amadeus’ voice diminished when lightning struck nearby.

  Caleb nervously frowned. He thought he had heard someone speaking. It had to be a product of his imagination.

  “I heard it too,” Amadeus said as he observed the place, looking for the sound.

  It hadn’t been Caleb’s imagination and knowing that was much worse than he would admit. It was happening again. They had both heard a scream. A boy’s scream.

  Rage began to run through Caleb’s veins as if it were blood. He rushed toward the building. He knew the place where it was happening. The same torture. The same horror. It would be the last time they would make someone suffer. The shock of the horrifying scene paralyzed Caleb.

  Caleb perched on the window ledge. He could see them in the dark. It was like seeing himself in the same position and with the same hands on his skin. The young boy was a child, much younger than he had been. Caleb was thankful that Amadeus was at his side because that sight would not let him move his feet.

  “And people say that we are the monsters,” Amadeus said. His voice stopped the men, frightened they lit the fire of the torches.

  “Who the hell are you?” asked the count irritably. “If death is what you want with this interruption then you will find it.”

  “Is this a joke?” The old vampire approached them. “That will be your fate.”

  With a new breath of courage thanks to the presence of Amadeus. Caleb jumped from a window and allowed himself to be seen. He saw when they recognized him. The surprise in their eyes. The count could not suppress a smile as he began to applaud.

  “I’ll tell you what will happen,” the count began while the rest laughed and confidently drew their weapons. “We’ll kill the old man and Caleb will come back to me. I must say that I hope your beautiful appearance is due to me.”

  Nausea and a fear that he hadn’t felt in a long time took hold in Caleb’s gut. He felt like a child again, vulnerable and frightened. Amadeus placed an arm in front of him, protecting him. Amadeus actions eased the tension from Caleb’s body.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going to happen. You’ll die here and now,” Amadeus said provoking laughter in the men gathered there. “You’re so inept that you can’t see what’s right in front of your eyes, Caleb,” Amadeus said, “take the child away from here. I’ll take care of this.”

  “But,” Caleb said, it was his vengeance.

  “I’ll leave the one that most interests you but take the child now.”

  Caleb thought for a few seconds. He was bothered that Amadeus was taking away his vengeance but then he saw once again the small child wearing rags. The tears fell from his eyes and Caleb knew that he would do the right thing. The boy had suffered too much and shouldn’t have to see what was going to happen.

  Caleb nodded and walked to the boy. Nobody moved. Not even one centimeter. The boy wasn’t important anymore. The count only had eyes for Caleb and his hunger for him was affecting his sanity. They let him remove the boy from the room.

  Caleb ran as fast as he could. He knew where he had to take the boy. He had to take him to the same place where they had helped him. They would also help the boy.

  The hard-knocking brought a frightened Angy to the door. When she saw an older Caleb standing there she thought it was some specter coming for some reason.

  “I don’t have any time. Take care of the boy. Here,” Caleb removed a bag of coins from his pocket. It was the only way he could repay the danger that they would be in because of him. It was something that he had thought to do after he had taken his vengeance. But he would do it now. Caleb’s hand reached his neck and removed a gold necklace. He handed it over to the shocked woman. She kept staring at his red eyes. “Give some to Anthony, too. I have to go now. The count is going to die tonight. Everyone should stay inside their house.”

  “Caleb,” Angy said. “We knew what would happen but fear stopped us.” She had tears in her eyes and held onto Caleb’s arm.

  “I don’t blame you, Angy. Thank you.”

  Just as quickly as he arrived Caleb left the unconscious boy behind with Angy. Speed was its own reward.

  Caleb arrived at the tower to see blood staining the walls and puddled on the floor. The terrified count crouched in a corner of the room.

  The slaughter… Caleb had never thought that someone as calm as Amadeus was capable of an atrocity of such a caliber. Even he would not have caused such a scene. The respect for his adoptive father grew in that moment.

  “You don’t want... You don’t want to do this Caleb,” the
count pleaded. He placed his hands in front of him in the hopes of protecting himself.

  “Don’t you dare talk to me.”

  “Come on. We had a good time.”

  Caleb was filled with nausea. Good time? How did he have the nerve to say that?

  “Deep down I feel pity for you,” Caleb murmured when he stood a few centimeters in front of the count.

  Caleb squatted down in front of the count. If he’d said that he wasn’t enjoying the expression of fear on that damned monster Caleb would be lying. He was only waiting for the count’s fear to be at least half of that which he had experienced. He didn’t want to waste more time. Caleb stretched out his hand and placed it on the counts chest. Caleb could feel how fast the count’s heartbeat accelerated in fear. The counts quick breaths were like a melody for Caleb.

  Caleb began to press his hand harder than what the count would have wanted. In a few seconds, the count was writhing and trying to get away from Caleb’s hand. However, the count’s strength was minuscule compared to that of a vampire.

  Crack. The sound of the counts ribs breaking pushed Caleb forward. Without stopping his hand pierced flesh. Caleb’s stared at the count who responded with a look of fear as blood began to fall from his lips. The counts heart was literally in Caleb’s hands. He felt it beat against his hands.

  “Be thankful that I don’t make you suffer any longer,” Caleb nearly spit the words out and suddenly ripped out the count’s heart without letting him utter a single word.

  The blood of all of those who had battered Caleb’s heart with malice now ran like an extensive river. But Caleb was still thirsty. His rage as a new vampire began to control him. Caleb was conscious of what was happening when he was about to devour an innocent girl. Worried about what was happening Amadeus recalled Caleb’s promise, the promise he had made before taking his vengeance. He would send Caleb to the deepest part of Asia. There Caleb would find another vampire who had gone through the same thing years back. With wisdom, this young vampire had managed to overcome the darkness of his heart and with pride, he had become a magnificent warrior. Yong was the perfect person to teach Caleb a new philosophy of life but he was also perfect to teach him everything that Caleb needed to learn for the future.

  Melody N⁰ 3


  Caleb rubbed his temple. He was uncomfortable with his memories. It had been a long time since he had thought about the past. He was surprised and at the same time annoyed. He had fallen asleep and had dreamed. Since Caleb had become a vampire it was something that had never happened. The problem was that it had seemed as real as a movie and it left his body badly shaken.

  He looked through the window, which lacked an unnecessary glass pane and could not stop the stifling heat coming from outside. It only framed the desert view as far as the eye could see. Sigma Zone, governed by Elizabeth embraced all of Africa, the Muslim countries and a good chunk of ancient India.

  “Elizabeth is waiting for you.” Dee entered without knocking on the door and looked at Caleb with irritation.

  With a nod of his head, Caleb walked toward her and followed her. He no longer remembered the layout of that gigantic palace that he had visited yours back. Caleb watched Dee walking in front of him. She was a woman of small stature, short red hair, and her face was adorned by an explosion of small freckles. She looked completely innocent but anyone who knew her knew that her nickname suited her, the woman with the iron fist. She was deadly. In fact, she had tried to kill him once over a small misunderstanding. The argument between them was still active after more than 150 years.

  “Go inside. She want’s to speak with you privately,” Dee said with irritation because she was always in all the meetings.

  “Thanks, Dee. You’re very kind,” Caleb responded with a smile and he knew it would increase her irritation

  The room was ostentatious in the extreme. It was made of pure white marble and decorated with gold objects that stood out. The curtains were made of a violet material. The curtains fell from the roof and created an air of mystery. Elizabeth was in the middle of the room. Her blond hair was longer than the last time he had seen her and her clothes made of pink silk barely covered the most important parts of her body.

  “I must say that your visit has surprised and confused me.” Elizabeth kissed him on the cheek as a sign of welcome. She invited him to take a seat near her. “The news that we have received is…”


  “You could say that. Is it true that Amadeus is dead?” Elizabeth saw Caleb nod his head with his eyes closed. “I’m sorry. I know how important he was to you. He was also important to me.”

  Although Elizabeth was a woman with two faces she had never hidden any of them. If she was angry with someone she showed it. She also showed when she was sad, happy, or in a bad mood. Elizabeth was the least fake person in the world. Although, that was a double-edged sword.

  “It’s a complicated situation,” she said. “You’ve started a war. You didn’t leave me in a good place to make a decision.”

  “I know everything, Elizabeth. Everything about him.”

  Elizabeth looked at him with a certain level of fear. She would never have imagined that Amadeus would have told him anything.

  “You might not know this but the one you have hidden for over a millennia is the man who left my mother pregnant.”

  “I knew a little bit but I didn’t know if my information was correct.”

  “Let me tell you my side of the story. Surely, Epsilon has only told you his side.”

  “I can assure you that he didn’t waste even half a day in contacting all of us. Although with the severity of the situation his impatience is logical.”

  “It’s not even close to what you have imagined, Elizabeth. Not even close to what he’s told you. Ajax knows everything Amadeus made sure of that. He knows that Epsilon poisoned him.”

  Elizabeth frowned and Caleb relaxed. It was not one of her usual expressions. She always claimed it was bad for her beautiful face.

  With Ajax’s name in the air and him knowing the reason for Amadeus’ death Caleb knew that Elizabeth would be on his side. He would tell her everything without omitting anything and he had an ace up his sleeve. It would make him feel uncomfortable but it had to be sufficient. Elizabeth felt compassionate toward Caleb and his feelings for Meryl. It always struck Elizabeth in her heart when she knew about a difficult or problematic romance. It was her weakness.

  “I have to say,” Elizabeth said thoughtfully and sighed, “that I never thought you would fall in love Caleb. You have told me many things that I will have to think about. Things that I didn’t know and I should have known them. I don’t like Epsilon and you know that. I’ve always thought that he was dangerous. but I had to keep order. Anyway, you know that to go against him, the first vampire. It won’t bring anything good.”

  “I don’t care. If he touches a single hair on Meryl’s head I swear I’m going to rip him apart.”

  Elizabeth smiled at Caleb. She was surprised at his words. She had known Caleb since his transformation and still remembered the boy that had entered into a madness that had almost taken him to the grave. His cold and imposing gaze now shown with brilliance when she talked about the human woman that had managed to create tenderness in his frozen heart.

  Elizabeth wasn’t only motivated by Ajax’s name connected to Caleb. She was the only one on the face of the Earth who knew that he hated the first vampire and hated what they had done with the Earth. She was curious how far Caleb would go because of his love. She would be the first in line to see what happened.

  “We have many things to discuss. You haven’t thought of it but what if we win. Then what?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I’ll get to the point. What will we eat?” Elizabeth frowned and stood up. “I am sure that there are many vampires that want
an end to this era. I know that you are aware of the vampires that existed during the era of the fall of man and that those who were transformed in this new era want vengeance because of what occurred afterward, for the hardships. But if they think that after this we won’t be able to eat the importance they place on their own lives will turn them against us. Not to mention that virus that you told me about. Won’t it kill us all?”

  “We’ve thought of everything. You don’t have to worry. Elizabeth you can trust me. I’m working on it.”

  “It’s obvious that you’re not going to tell me anything about that weapon,” Elizabeth sighed. “I understand and I respect that. The fewer people that know about it the better.”

  “Then can I count on you?”

  “When will we go see Ajax?”

  With two of the four leaders united and soon hopefully they could count on more. They would quickly make their way north. Gamma Zone was the smallest and most peaceful of all the zones. It ranged from Spain to a small portion in Russia. Epsilon had all of America, Alaska, and part of Russia. Finally, Oceania and Asia formed the Alpha Zone.

  The fall of the ancient era couldn’t be classified as a war because there was barely any resistance on the part of the countries. Surprised, they had barely had time to prepare to fight. With the exception of the warheads carrying the virus. But it would be written down in history as the Great War, the terrible and bloody Third World War, in which the blood flowed and stained the ground never to disappear. At least this time both sides would be on equal terms.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” Elizabeth admitted as she looked through the small airplane window.

  “Why do you have this piece of junk?” Dee verbally attacked with a raised eyebrow.

  “It’s not my only toy,” Caleb said while staring at the woman with the short hair. “Don’t think strange things. I’ve never thought about attacking anyone.”